I have been very quiet on the fediverse these past two months. The reason: we are moving across these United States from California to Michigan!
Our house and farm sold. I drove to Michigan this week and am now in Detroit exploring the city and looking for a new house. Surprisingly found one that includes several empty lots surrounding it (we love to garden and have animals). An offer is pending.
Detroit has been pleasantly surprising. There is so much happening on a grassroots level: lots of Community Gardens, Urban Farms, Food Coops,
non-profit bicycle shops and Community Centers springing up all over.
One farm I visited, in the middle of a cityscape, is called
Beaverland Farms (no beavers, just the name of the street where it is located)

I hope to have more time to explore. Michigan is vastly different from our California home. I head back to California in a few days to finish packing and then driving back to Detroit.